
Choose your user name from the list, or enter your login ID and password to authenticate.NEO

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Login to desknet's NEO

Choose your user name from the list, or enter your login ID and password to authenticate.
* Login to the system according to the way your system administrator setup.

- By Choosing User Name

- By Choosing Group and User Name

By Entering Login ID

Press "Login" button when you have completed entries to login.

* If you fail to login, you may not be present account of the relevant ID and password that you entered is incorrect.
Please ask your system administrator for more information.

Limit of Login Attempts

You cannot log in after having made too many login attempts, if the administrator set up a limit of the number of login attempts.

- Warning message when login attempts are limited

- Warning message when the account is locked

* Ask your system administrator if your account is locked out.

Password Expiration Warning

A warning message appears if the administrator set up rules of expiration and warning of passwords.

- Warning message prompting to change the password

This warning message appears on the top of screen after you have logged in, if the "Warning Period" of passwords is specified.
You can change your password in your profile screen.